
ExplorerHiDpiFix is a utility for working around the bug of Windows Explorer in Windows 7 that reproduces at system-level zoom of more than 188% (189% and higher) (e. g. when using a 4K monitor at zoom of 200%) and leads to wrong lengths of address bar and search box:

the address (location) bar of Windows Explorer gets very short, and almost entire width of the window is occupied by search box (field), while changing the ratio of their lengths via drag-n-dropping the separator between them does not work.

Screenshot of Explorer window in Windows 7 at 200% zoom


The ExplorerHiDpiFix application forcedly sets lengths of address bar and search box at ratio of 3:1, resulting in that address bar occupies 75% of overall length of the both fields.

The fix is applied automatically to Explorer windows already opened on program start, and, during the program is running, the fix is applied to new Explorer windows right after their opening as well as after each change in their size.

Screenshot of Explorer window in Windows 7 at 200% zoom when ExplorerHiDpiFix app is running

User interface

User interface of the program is implemented as an icon in notification area (system tray) that has a context menu that allows to view information about the program or to close the program.


It’s recommended to add a shortcut for the application to the “Autorun” folder of the “Start” menu, so that it is started automatically after starting Windows.


For the program to work, its bit version (32 or 64 bit) must correspond to bit version of Windows.